Let's build something legendary together


Tackling product and dashboard usability


Project Summary

Despite offering innovative solutions to enhance healthcare accessibility, convenience, and affordability, the KompleteCare platform encountered significant hurdles, with users failing to proceed beyond the initial trial stage.

Through a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods, valuable insights were gathered, laying the groundwork for targeted improvements to boost user engagement and satisfaction on the platform.

UX/UI Design
User Testing
Dashboard design

Design Lead


September 2021 - May 2022




Figma, HotJar

The Problem

From a business standpoint, there was very high drop off rate and little or no engagements after customers register on the platform. We found that about 80% of our users do not try to make further consultations after the first trial.


While this already looked like a usability problem, I decided to take the generative research route as an avenue to deep dive and uncover other problems we might unknowingly be facing as far as user experiences go.

Asides talking to our customers, I had a survey for a specific demographic in a bid to increase adoption as well. To carry out this research, I employed a couple of methods, that I believed would give me great insight and help me maximize my objectives.

  • Understand how users would carry out booking and consultation on the website
  • Understand users' thoughts, needs, and perceptions regarding KompleteCare
  • Uncover what other websites customers are using to seek/request medical help
  • Find out if users see the service as a go-to digital tool for health issues Learn about any pain points users are encountering during the system walkthrough, and what improvements they might suggest


On synthesizing the results from research, we found patterns in the answers we recorded and the overarching issues were:

a. Cognitive load in every flow. Users easily got lost in the process of carrying out simple tasks within the dashboard.

b. Activities around consultations were far from seamless. Users could not easily book consultations or find their favorite doctors.

Alongside this, we needed to prioritize the problems we wanted to solve immediately that would greatly improve the product's usability. With consultations being a unique selling point and coming off as the most important feature from our prioritization exercise, I came up with a statement.


Prioritization matrix

Problem Statement

“The consultation user flow is convoluted and patients have no easy way to quickly request and access consultations from their dashboards”

Simplifying the user flow


Initial consultation flow


Simplified consultation flow

Quick access to consultations

After being able to simplify the major consultation flow, I tackled the next problem of patients being able to find doctors they trusted, connected with, and enjoyed consulting. So I modelled the e-commerce wish list/save for later feature and decided to add a 'favorite physician' feature where patients could opt in right after a call and find their doctors on return to the dashboard.


Favourite physician view

Visual Refresh

Keeping in mind that we've spoken a lot to customers about problems they might be facing and have put word out concerning an upcoming update, I decided to bring our usual interface up to speed. I did this in a way that there would be recognizable change, yet minimal enough to not disrupt the mental model users were building around this dashboard.

Areas of focus:

  • Iconography
  • Tile order
  • Sidebar & dashboard arrangement

Consultation table redesign

Ideation Challenges

Running in-house tests with our initial iterations helped me to further see problems with my concepts, even though it validated the general direction. The major stand outs were:
  • Pending consultations were barely seen: This is because the table was far below the dashboard whereas users focused above the fold
  • Inconsistency with sidebar naming of pending consultations: The side bar was used to deal with superfluous information on the dashboard but the naming needed further work
  • The first tile row was grossly underused: Users needed to interact with the tiles and we noticed the first three tiles were not really serving that purpose
  • Patients were still unable to quickly reschedule consultations: Despite solving the major problem of finding consultations, the use of being able to reschedule their consultations from the upcoming lists.


Taking these points into cognizance, I ran an iteration workshop, where we focused on moving blocks of our initial concepts around, to come up with the best possible one that solved for all the problem points.


Various iterations

Iteration Outcome (Final Design)

We arrived at the diagram at the extreme right but went on further to harmonize the interface after testing our final concept. This concept treated the issue of being able to easily find and reschedule consultations, as well as allowing users to immediately interact with the top most tiles that contained important tasks.


We created visibility for consultations by adding an interactive section above the fold as a user lands on the dashboard.

We moved the first 3 tiles to the user avatar section because it occupied prime real estate and wasn't interactive.



  • Single Ease Question average: 5.1
  • Completion rate average: 78%
  • SUS average: 90
  • Net promoter score: 82
What does this mean? Tying back to the business problem, these numbers meant that far more users are able to complete major tasks more easily, thereby making the system more usable, delightful, leading to an increase in engagement and adoption.

Final design mock up

Interested in working together?

Why work with me?

I prioritize user needs and experiences, ensuring the product is user-centred

I use research and analytics to inform my design decisions

I focus on delivering measurable impact with every design initiative

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